Tenant Focus Group meeting 9th September 2022

September 12th 2022

We were delighted to host members from our Tenant Focus Group on Friday of last week.

We were delighted to host members from our Tenant Focus Group on Friday of last week, where, over a cup of tea, a roll and some home-made tiffin, we covered a number of topics, including; The Association’s re-let standards, the content of our next tenant newsletter and potential support during the energy crisis, whilst we also selected the winner of our ‘Showcase Shetland’ photograph competition. A summary of the meeting can be seen below.

If you have an interest in joining us at future meetings, please just get in touch and we can add you to our mailing list.

HHA Re-let Standards

The group considered a presentation on the existing re-let standards that every property should achieve when keys are handed over to a new tenant – this was done as part of the 3-year policy review. Some tracked changes were discussed and agreed, and the updated policy will be put forward to the Management Committee for approval at the monthly meeting on Thursday 22nd September 2022.

It was agreed that an information video on the re-let standards, available on the Association website, can be promoted to out-going tenants by including a QR code on the termination letter.

Autumn Newsletter content

Estelle confirmed that in light of the cost-of-living crisis, the focus for the Autumn newsletter is going to be on areas of support for tenants, including energy saving tips. A group member also suggested including a QR code for information videos on how to use heating systems efficiently.

Scottish Fuel Insecurity Fund

To help mitigate the energy crisis, the Scottish Government have offered financial support through a grant scheme. The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) have been given £2m to distribute between all RSLs who submit a bid as part of a project to support tenants. The Association is part of a larger bid to receive fuel vouchers for tenants struggling with energy costs, whilst we have also submitted our own grant application to help supply tenants with energy saving measures, such as slow-cookers, microwaves & insulated curtains. We await the outcome of our applications. One group member suggested reaching out to other agencies, such as CAB & Anchor project, who could refer in tenants struggling with costs.

Tenant photo competition

The Association held a ‘Showcase Shetland’ competition, where tenants and household members were encouraged to enter a photo of; their favourite place or view, favourite Shetlander or a snap of outstanding wildlife. The group selected the winner and Estelle will present the prize of a voucher for The Camera Centre.

Emergency legislation

Earlier in the week, the Scottish Government announced emergency legislation to be enacted with immediate effect. Although the finer details are yet to be published, the legislation will see a ban on evictions, and the freezing of any rent rise, until 31st March 22.

As noted in the meeting, the Association is waiting for further details of this, noting all social landlords ordinarily increase rent as of 1st April, which would fall after the legislation ended. Given the rapid increase of inflation, and the general cost of running a service, any rent freeze or cap would likely impact on the planned maintenance activity of a social landlord.

NCDC Partnership working

The Association has been working in partnership with the Northmavine Community Development Company (NCDC), who made an approach to utilise a bit of unused land in Hillswick. HHA completed a survey of all residents and tenants in the area, and a lease has now been signed, with NCDC planning to erect a large poly-crub for indoor growing. Once up and running, a joint press release will be considered to promote this.

Upcoming Policy reviews

The following policies are due to be reviewed over the coming weeks and months, and Estelle will circulate draft documents for review and comment.

    1. CCTV Policy
    2. Maintenance Policy
    3. Voids Policy
    4. New Tenant & Tenant Support Policy
    5. Leasing Policy
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