Update on Covid-19 Restrictions

May 26th 2022

During the months of April and May, the Scottish Government have been revising their guidance for Covid-19, and we are now in a position where there are no longer additional requirements placed on us as a social landlord. Whilst we have continued to ask some screening questions ‘on the doorstep’ before completing a repair, this practice will end as of 30th May 2022. Therefore, staff and contractors will no longer ask screening questions and will no longer wear face coverings as standard. However, should a tenant request a face covering be worn whilst in their property, we will be happy to accommodate this.

Current advice suggests anyone with Covid-19 symptoms should avoid contact with others for 5 days. This should not prevent our operatives and contractors from completing repairs, and we would ask tenants to be pro-active in letting us know if they order a repair and someone in the household is staying at home due to symptoms of Covid-19. In this scenario, we would respectfully ask the occupant to stay in another room whilst work is on-going, and we will, in this situation, ask our contractors to wear a face covering.

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