Scottish Housing Regulator

The Scottish Housing Regulator is the independent regulator of social landlords in Scotland. Social landlords are made up of registered social landlords, housing associations and co-operatives and local authorities or councils that provide housing and homelessness services.

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2010 sets out statutory objectives, functions, duties and powers to safeguard and promote the interests of current and future tenants, people who are homeless, factored owners and Gypsy/Travellers. The Scottish Housing Regulator does this by monitoring, assessing, reporting and intervening (as appropriate) in relation to social landlords’ performance of housing activities and registered social landlords.

The link to the guide below is for tenants and service users and explains how the Scottish Housing Regulator regulates social landlords in Scotland.

This short, summary guide explains:

  • who the Scottish Housing Regulator is and what they do,
  • what you can expect from your landlord,
  • how you can find out about your landlord’s performance; and
  • how to raise a concern about your landlord.

A short video on who the Regulator is and what they do:

Here's a short video on how to raise a concern about a social landlord:

The Regulatory Framework is the Scottish Housing Regulators statement on Performance of Functions and sets out how they regulate both Registered Social Landlords and the housing and homelessness services proved by local authorities.

You can find more information on our performance and regulatory submissions here on the Scottish Housing Regulator's website.

If you require a hardcopy of these guides please contact us using the Contact Us section of our website.

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