Our Performance - How did we do?

October 3rd 2016

This year the Association, along with all other housing associations and Councils in Scotland, reported on their performance as part of the ARC (Annual Return on the Charter).

This year the Association worked closely with the Tenant Focus Group to agree the issues the tenants wanted to include within a tenant survey and to agree the format for reporting back to tenants the outcome of the ARC. We were delighted with the number of tenants who returned the Tenant Satisfaction Survey as this helps the Association guage tenants views on the services they receive.

This report will be sent to all tenants before the end of October. It outlines the areas we have agreed with the Tenant Focus Group to be prioritised to ensure we continually improve our services.

The Scottish Housing Regulator has also produced a report outlining the Association's performance against the 18 Key Performance Indicators and this can be accessed here.

On the regulators website you can also compare our performance against other housing organisations across Scotland at www.scottishhousingregulator.gov.uk/find-and-compare-landlords

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