Rent Consultation & Equality Data Collection 2022-23

January 14th 2022

Its that time of year again where we are consulting with tenants on the proposed rent increases for the new financial year in April. We have a responsibility to make sure The Association remains in a strong and financially viable position, and a key part of this is the annual rent review. The Association must find the correct balance between keeping rents affordable for our tenants, whilst also ensuring enough money is collected to cover all aspects of the business.

We are also collecting updated Equality & Diversity Data for all tenants, using a new template form that has been approved by The Scottish Housing Regulator. This form is voluntary, but if completed can help us to make sure we are offering tenants a more bespoke service that suits them. This can include changes such as we communicate and how we present information to individual tenants.

For more information & links to the consultation & equality data forms can be found here our website.

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